Sustainability strategy

Learn about the methodology that gave rise to the priority issues and the strategic lines that make up our sustainability strategy.


Being a foundation that with its projects and alliances achieves the triple result of sustainability: economic, social and environmental impact.

Origin of the strategy

In 2021 we set ourselves a great challenge: listening to our stakeholders. For this reason, we investigate our context and trends in terms of sustainability, we take international airline foundations as a reference and, increasingly, we project ourselves to add opportunities for the future we want to build.

Interest groups

We made an analysis of our interest groups to promote spaces for participation and talk about trends in sustainability and the great challenges we have as a foundation.

Through surveys and focus groups, we provide feedback spaces to identify the issues with the greatest impact on sustainability for Fundación Viva and jointly build the economic, social and environmental strategy.

Asuntos de interés

We applied a survey of material impacts, selecting the most relevant and with the highest vote by the interest groups and we held different focused meetings in which we found a high commitment. A total of 150 people participated in these spaces, expressing their interest in joining our initiatives.

Priority topics

  • Program for the migrant population.
  • Biodiversity conservation.
  • Promotion of reading.
  • Program to prevent early pregnancies.
  • Management and use of waste.
  • Generate opportunities for people who have never flown.
  • Promotion of sustainable tourism.
  • Encourage volunteering in the Foundation’s programs.
  • Training and campaigns for the care of the planet.
  • Support for inclusion and generation of opportunities.


At the point where the expectations of the prioritized stakeholders and those of the organization coincide, it becomes the focus of materiality. It is at this point where the material issues are determined and a management approach must be established for each of them and thus build the backbone of the sustainability strategy and the report.

Focal groups

At the point where the expectations of the prioritized stakeholders and those of the organization coincide, it becomes the focus of materiality. It is at this point where the material issues are determined and a management approach must be established for each of them and thus build the backbone of the sustainability strategy and the report.

Viva collaborators

“Considero fundamental que la fundación lidere proyectos de voluntariado, apoyando la biodiversidad y con visión social; incluyendo los públicos de interés de la misma, ejemplo: mujeres y migrantes.”


“Use our aircraft 100% on this issue, with social projects and job creation and inclusion. This is how we arrived with all kinds of opportunities and impacted all Viva destinations.”


“Thanks to the support of projects that generate opportunities executed by allied foundations, the social impact grows. It is a sponsorship that breaks cycles of poverty, especially for women at risk.”

Strategic lines

We made an analysis of our interest groups to promote spaces for participation and talk about trends in sustainability and the great challenges we have as a foundation.

Through surveys and focus groups, we provide feedback spaces to identify the issues with the greatest impact on sustainability for Fundación Viva and jointly build the economic, social and environmental strategy.

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals

These are the sustainable development goals to which we aim from the sustainability strategy of the Fundación Viva Air .

Let's fly together